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The Difference between Spelling and Writing.

The Difference between Spelling and Reading The difference between spelling and reading is in the processes required for each. It is a belief that if students know their sounds and letters spelling will be easy. This is a fallacy. Students can recite the sounds of the letters as they presented but may be unable to […]

Children with Problematic Behaviours

Children with Problematic Behaviours Children with problematic behaviours are receiving focus over the last few years. These children are causing havoc in our classrooms and playgrounds. But are these children really problematic or just naughty. A group of teachers recently discussed this matter and all of those present told stories of the times they were […]

Behavioural Management Techniques in the Classroom

“Give me a lever long enough and single handed I can move the world. It’s just not possible any longer to “figure it out” from the top, and have everyone else following the orders of the “grand strategist.” This statement is also true for behavioural management techniques in the classroom. The organizations that will truly excel […]

The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning.

    The importance of vocabulary in language learning can’t be underestimated. The only way that an adult could understand the difficulties presented during language learning is to enter a new course where the vocabulary of the specific field is not known an understood. An Example: I am learning how to build my website and continue […]

Tips to Help Your Child Read

The Problem Are you experiencing trouble trying to get your child to be a successful reader? Does the child’s teacher continually tell you not to worry that the child will learn at their own pace? Do you know that your child could read better if they had the correct support? Reading is a skill that […]

Activities over the Holidays to Improve Reading

 A night experience of a beach town. As parents we MUST continue reading activities over the holidays to improve reading. This is the time when you will be able to do just that little bit extra that will make the difference. I have three simple activities that you can do that won’t cost a thing BUT […]


                      It is no secret that encouragement is one of the biggest forces that drive our children to success. Think of a situation in your personal life when encouragement pushed you out of misery and onto the highway of success. I can remember vividly, a young boy who suffered from anxiety, depression and poor self- […]

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