Encouragement is the Best Medicine

Encouragement is the Best Medicine

Encouragement is the best medicine. It can drive children through problems and onto the pathway to success. Think of any situation in your personal life and know how encouragement pushed you to crawl your way out of the pit.
I can remember vividly a young boy who suffered from anxiety, depression and poor self- esteem. It was a sad situation. Tom had an alcoholic father who lived separately at times from his mother. Tom was frightened when his father was drunk and he often became the brunt of his father’s anger. Because of this background, Tom developed behavioural problems that weren’t appropriate in the classroom. His classroom teacher complained about him constantly and failed to build a relationship with him. How could this boy achieve?  Everything was against him.

When people are depressed they are difficult to live and work with because negativity takes precedence in their lives. Friends diminish in numbers, parents are frustrated and tired, teachers are overwhelmed by the constant negative behaviours that affect everyone in the class. We all know what it is like to be around these people.
Lucky for this boy there were teachers and friends who rallied together to correct the situation. It wasn’t easy because once a course of negativity reigns for weeks it is difficult to turn the situation around. And encouragement isn’t always kind and sweet, tough love is needed more often than not. So there were ground rules established, rules that required a smile in the morning and afternoon. Consequences were put in place for all who antagonised the Tom and consequences for him if he angered or isolated others. The one thing that was missing was the support of Tom’s parents. This would have made a HUGE difference.
Never underestimate the important difference you can make!

Parents are the centre of their child’s universe. No matter what you think, your child will do anything to gain your attention, even behave poorly!  Never underestimate the difference you can make in every area of their lives. Be involved and help them as well as having fun have fun. The following article provides information on the areas of importance when supporting your school age child. You will be rewarded amply.

Ann Foster                                                                                                         

Ann Foster is a teacher with a unique talent in problem solving reading, writing and spelling difficulties. She takes the responsibility for every child’s problem as if the student was her own child. Children begin to enjoy learning and parents have their life back.
‘I knew that she was good, BUT, I didn’t know that she was THAT good,” said a teacher who had her child in tutoring.
Letter Box staff DELIVER !!!!! Contact Ann 0414340883 or email letterboxdelivers@hotmail.com  and talk to Ann about your child’s needs.
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