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How Poor Reading and Writing Impacts on Self-Esteem

How poor reading and writing impacts on self-esteem is rarely spoken about. We continuously discuss poor results and underestimate what happens to the student emotionally and socially. These areas are vital to the student’s future.  What is self-esteem? Self -esteem is how we feel about ourselves or the worth or the value we place on […]


                                   Before writing this blog, I decided to look up the definition of tuition. Money for instruction was the meaning provided. This is a limited view of what needs to be considered when searching for a tutor for the most precious gift in your life, your child. Tuition is the act of tutoring and as […]

VOCABULARY ISN’T CHICKEN FEED                                                 Vocabulary isn’t chicken feed, I realised this fact over the holidays when I sat and listened to my youngest grand -daughter’s questions about word meanings. Do you know that over a period of half an hour she asked about the meaning of three words? I found this amazing. We were having […]


                                                                        With National testing implemented in Australia there is an ever increasing interest in results. Economically the future of our country is at risk if the outcome of this testing is not investigated and successful intervention and extension harnessed to drive improved teaching and learning. The emphasis in this article is on reading and early […]


                                                              INTRODUCTION   Fix reading problems before Year Four or suffer  academically for years until the reading gap is closed.This is a sentence that no child deserves.Learning to read is a complex skill where problem solving unlocks words that are unknown. Little children use some known words, prior knowledge, picture skills, beginning sounds and oral language […]

Cross the Threshold and Eliminate Problems

                                 STRUGGLES Cross the threshold and eliminate the problems that come with raising children. At times we all struggle with problems and feel that there is no where to turn. Perhaps you think that things are so bad that no one would believe, or understand. Things have happened in my life  when I have felt  alone and  […]

Letter and Sound Strategies Improve Spelling

                                                                                                            Spelling is based on a letter and sound system that needs constant focus to develop automatic recall. Having quick letter and sound knowledge frees the brain to work on spelling. Early spellers  use letter and picture charts until they remember the letters and sounds without a prompt. strategy is also useful […]

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