Tag Archives: sounds

Spelling with Pre-Schoolers

        Teaching spelling with pre-schoolers lays a solid foundation for building knowledge and confidence that will have huge benefits now and in the future. I recently read an article that said spelling was one of the most tested subjects but the least taught. I would have to agree whole heartedly. In most cases, children are given a weekly […]

Letter and Sound Strategies Improve Spelling

                                                                                                            Spelling is based on a letter and sound system that needs constant focus to develop automatic recall. Having quick letter and sound knowledge frees the brain to work on spelling. Early spellers  use letter and picture charts until they remember the letters and sounds without a prompt. http://www.letterboxlearntoread.com/productsThis strategy is also useful […]

Spelling Fast Tracked to Success

                                                                       Spelling can be fast tracked by building a solid foundation. This process can be likened to building a house. Builders make certain that the base of the structure is solid, this is checked by councils and engineers so that the building stands firm through all seasons. A similar process applies to spelling.Checking children’s  basic spelling skills  makes certain […]

Teach Your Child to Read Quickly

Previous reading blogs have been written to prepare your child for reading. I have discussed experiences, oral language, concepts of print, picture interpretation and phonics. Today I am going to show you a strategy that will rapidly improve reading success. Your child will improve reading results at a pace that you won’t believe possible. It […]

Phonics for Reading

                                                                   For years I have been concerned about the overuse of eye memory (visual memory) as opposed to ear memory (auditory memory). This does not mean that I don’t believe that visual memory is important, it is, BUT the fact of the matter is that visual memory begins to collapse if it is […]

Concepts of Print for Early Readers

     Reading Four Once children are interested in reading, and as a parent you are continuing to read to them on a nightly basis,  begin to teach the Concepts of Print which we began in the previous session, Reading Three. Concepts of Print are technical skills about print that are directly related to how reading works. In previous articles we explored […]

Prepare Your Child to be Successful Before he Begins School

Did you know that you can prepare your child to be successful before he begins school? Oral language is so important to learning to read. Children need to be able to bring to their reading life’s experiences as well as knowledge that they have learnt from talking or listening to books, videos or conversations. Take […]

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