Tag Archives: reading


Well here it is again-NAPLAN!  NAPLAN, for those who don’t live in Australia, is whole nation testing in Year Five, Seven and Nine in the areas of English and Math. It comes around so quickly that NAPLAN Tips is possibly the best I can offer at this time. In this article I want to take a wander down […]

The Insider’s Guide to Improving Attention

  Attention is a BIG problem in today’s classrooms when teaching kids to read, write and spell. http://www.letterboxlearntoread.com/teaching-kids-read-spell-write-ready-naplan-testing Inattention shows up in children for many different reasons and is a complex problem. BUT there are ways to support these children. The Insider’s Guide to Improving Attention offers ways to support children bit by bit to […]

Teaching Kids to Read, Write and Spell.

                                Teaching kids to read, write and spell can be improved with a focus on improving Oral Language.In this article I just wanted to get you on the road with some basic information that will help you support your child before the NAPLAN results are put into the back of our mind. These thoughts […]


                                                              INTRODUCTION   Fix reading problems before Year Four or suffer  academically for years until the reading gap is closed.This is a sentence that no child deserves.Learning to read is a complex skill where problem solving unlocks words that are unknown. Little children use some known words, prior knowledge, picture skills, beginning sounds and oral language […]

Cross the Threshold and Eliminate Problems

                                 STRUGGLES Cross the threshold and eliminate the problems that come with raising children. At times we all struggle with problems and feel that there is no where to turn. Perhaps you think that things are so bad that no one would believe, or understand. Things have happened in my life  when I have felt  alone and  […]

Reading with Boys Needs Short, Focused Lessons

          READING WITH BOYS  Short Focused Sessions  Reading with boys needs short, focused lessons to help them engage. Boys reading is a hot topic namely, because there are more boys in reading intervention than girls. Boys generally, take longer to mature than girls.They would rather be out playing, riding bikes and kicking footballs . However, once engaged, boys can move along […]

Concepts of Print for Early Readers

     Reading Four Once children are interested in reading, and as a parent you are continuing to read to them on a nightly basis,  begin to teach the Concepts of Print which we began in the previous session, Reading Three. Concepts of Print are technical skills about print that are directly related to how reading works. In previous articles we explored […]

*Improve Picture Understanding and See Better Results

  Reading Blogg 3 The beginnings of teaching your child to read starts with a solid foundation in language. This means that the child must develop language to express himself effectively and develop understanding of what is being said or read to him. One way of developing these skills is to expose your child to experiences that […]

Prepare Your Child to be Successful Before he Begins School

Did you know that you can prepare your child to be successful before he begins school? Oral language is so important to learning to read. Children need to be able to bring to their reading life’s experiences as well as knowledge that they have learnt from talking or listening to books, videos or conversations. Take […]

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