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Well here it is again-NAPLAN!  NAPLAN, for those who don’t live in Australia, is whole nation testing in Year Five, Seven and Nine in the areas of English and Math. It comes around so quickly that NAPLAN Tips is possibly the best I can offer at this time. In this article I want to take a wander down […]

The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning.

    The importance of vocabulary in language learning can’t be underestimated. The only way that an adult could understand the difficulties presented during language learning is to enter a new course where the vocabulary of the specific field is not known an understood. An Example: I am learning how to build my website and continue […]

Teach Your Child to Read Faster Through Experiences and Pictures

Teach your child to read faster through experiences and pictures- it  is the most meaningful way to begin reading. How do experiences improve reading? Children develop their world knowledge through their personal experiences. These experiences allow children to use their knowledge of the world to help them read and learn. If a child had no experience of […]

Teaching Kids to Write| Writing with Kids

                                  Teaching kids to write and writing with kids is one of the most enjoyable lessons throughout the school day. BUT unfortunately, there are people who aren’t as passionate about writing as I am. In this article we will look at one trait of writing, Ideas. Teaching kids to write and writing with kids begins with great […]

A Vocabulary Journey. What is a Tilt Train, Mummy?

Do you know what a tilt train is? Do you know how it is different to an ordinary train? A friend of mine took her young son on a tilt train to Bundaberg. When they got to their destination the little boy asked everyone in sight, “What is a tilt train?” No one could tell […]

VOCABULARY ISN’T CHICKEN FEED                                                 Vocabulary isn’t chicken feed, I realised this fact over the holidays when I sat and listened to my youngest grand -daughter’s questions about word meanings. Do you know that over a period of half an hour she asked about the meaning of three words? I found this amazing. We were having […]

Vocabulary Doesn’t Have to be a GLOBAL Problem

                                     This week I have discussed vocabulary as a key component in comprehension at  Today I am going to provide some practical  examples of how to extend vocabulary understanding. It was coincidental today that one of my grand -daughters came home with a high score in a comprehension test. She missed only three questions. I have not […]

Improve Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension

                    How to improve vocabulary and reading comprehension is vital to academic success. Comprehension is what reading is all about, so it follows that knowing the meaning of words helps understanding. In this blog I will write about the impact of vocabulary knowledge on reading and three simple strategies that will improve vocabulary in […]

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