Vowel Chart


This chart is used by children who have difficulty differentiating the vowel sounds. These children have to feel the different vowel sounds through the descending movement in their jaw as the vowel sound is voiced. Firstly, the child places his hand under his chin. Then he can feel his jaw move down as he says the vowel sounds in the order that is noted on the vowel chart.

The vowel chart is a great support when teaching kids to spell. This strategy is practised each day before writing and while the child is spelling. The chart is placed beside the child when writing and while stretching out words the child uses the hand under the chin strategy to choose the vowel on the chart. All children benefit from practising this skill. FANTASTIC RESULTS from this product. [Printable]

Product Description

The vowel card is used to help children who can’t discriminate the vowel sounds. Linda Mood, a Speech Pathologist, originally developed this concept.

The child places his hand under his chin and can feel the movement of the chin as the vowel is voiced. The vowels at the top of the chart have less movement than those on the bottom. Additionally, if the child places his hands flat on either side of his face below the ears he will be able to feel the bones move as the sound of letter e is voiced. Tis strategy really helps because many children can’t discriminate between the sounds of e, and I.


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