Tag Archives: sounding

Letter and Sound Strategies Improve Spelling

                                                                                                            Spelling is based on a letter and sound system that needs constant focus to develop automatic recall. Having quick letter and sound knowledge frees the brain to work on spelling. Early spellers  use letter and picture charts until they remember the letters and sounds without a prompt. http://www.letterboxlearntoread.com/productsThis strategy is also useful […]

Teach Your Child to Read Quickly

Previous reading blogs have been written to prepare your child for reading. I have discussed experiences, oral language, concepts of print, picture interpretation and phonics. Today I am going to show you a strategy that will rapidly improve reading success. Your child will improve reading results at a pace that you won’t believe possible. It […]

Improve Spelling Results

                                                                                                              Background  Spelling is a fascinating subject. If children begin learning spelling strategies early in their studies, they too, will be fascinated with spelling and move from one level to another. This is a general Spelling article and each week, this month, I will extend on this topic. Phonological Awareness    http://www.letterboxlearntoread.com/phonological-awareness Follow the […]

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