Our Brain Can Perform Better

The Active Brain

It is  well known that our brain can perform better. It only takes a few small additions on a daily basis to make this change.
Everyone who knows me would know, I am continuously scurrying around finding practical applications to support children who have learning difficulties. This is such a passion that one day I hope education will embrace the latest findings of brain research and embrace the new ways of teaching and learning. Below is a synopsis of actions needed to access the best opportunities to secure a brilliant future.
The Emotional Climate

Happy Children
Children learn best in an emotional climate where they are respected and where the teacher wants them to succeed. One of the boys whom I work with continuously moves. I noticed that he had no muscle problems that could cause this excessive wriggling. Additionally, his eyes darted constantly. He was in  a classroom where he was always in trouble for inattentive behaviour. The criticism, the teacher’s loud and assertive voice as well as her domineering personality drove this little boy to a level of anxiety that produced the agitation and the excessive movement.  Consequently, he wasn’t learning. I bet you have seen children who are in a similar situation. As parents and as educators we need to push for respectful classrooms that enhance fantastic learning.
Life Experiences

 A beach experience

The brain reorganises itself on the basis of information that is imputed. This change goes on throughout our life but is exceptionally rapid in the younger years. This means that what the child learns at home and in the classroom creates the neural pathways (brain pathways) that will determine what and how the child will learn now and in the future. Our responsibility is to provide experiences that improve skills  needed to enhance Literacy.
Nerve Cells Regenerate

Nerve Cell
Neurons  (nerve cells) regenerate and this is known to improve learning and memory. It is now known that physical exercise improves this growth. Yet, we also know that our children are playing outside less than in previous decades. More and more children are playing on electronic games rather than playing and socialising outside. The message here is to exert control over the time spent exercising. All the family can join in or friends could be invited for games of cricket, backyard football and other informal enjoyable unregimented games where exercise and fun is the top priority. I know children who spend hours upon hours on the computer or electronic games and these children are not as settled as they should be in class and learning suffers.

In summary, make certain that the emotional climate at home and at school is one of respect and a desire for the child to learn, opportunities for exercise on a daily basis and regular experiences that will enhance literacy. These are relatively simple inclusions into a day BUT it will take time for some children to adjust. Implement one thing each week and notice the difference over three weeks. You will see improvements not only in academics but in levels of stress, attention and memory as well as enjoyment.
 Ann Foster   
Ann Foster has a unique talent in problem solving reading, writing and spelling difficulties. She takes the responsibility for every child’s problem as if the student was her own child. Children begin to enjoy learning and parents have their life back. ‘I knew that she was good, BUT, I didn’t know that she was THAT good,” said a teacher who had her child in tutoring.

Ann holds the following qualifications:

Diploma of Teaching

Bachelor of Educational Studies

Master of Education ( Special Needs)

Master of Education (Counselling & Guidance)

Ann has also studied specialised units at the London and Pennsylvanian

Contact Ann on 0414340883

Email letterboxdelivers@hotmail.com talk to Ann about your child’s needs.
Website: www.letterboxlearntoread.com