Tag Archives: decoding

The Insider’s Guide to Improving Attention

  Attention is a BIG problem in today’s classrooms when teaching kids to read, write and spell. http://www.letterboxlearntoread.com/teaching-kids-read-spell-write-ready-naplan-testing Inattention shows up in children for many different reasons and is a complex problem. BUT there are ways to support these children. The Insider’s Guide to Improving Attention offers ways to support children bit by bit to […]

Reading Problems Turned Around

                 Accurate Assessment Reading problems can be turned around given time and the right support. Recently, I tested a student who was substituting words in a reading passage. Probably, these errors were overlooked because the teacher was more concerned with children who were reading well below the age level. But when I looked beyond […]

How to Improve Results in Reading and Spelling

       GET YOUR TENTACLES INTO SUPPORTING CHILDREN IN LEARNING TO READ AND WRITE  We are always looking for ways to improve results. There are some basic principles that will improve results in any area. As an example, I am going to use a small remediation group of aged nine and ten children that I […]

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