Our Brain Can Perform Better The Active Brain It is  well known that our brain can perform better. It only takes a few small additions on a daily basis to make this change. Everyone who knows me would know, I am continuously scurrying around finding practical applications to support children who have learning difficulties. This is such […]

Writing Structure Plays a BIG part in Learning to Read

Writing Structure Plays a BIG part in Learning to Read.                                Background Information Writing structure plays a big part in learning to read. Different types of writing such as stories, a reports or poems have different structures. Each of these types is used for different purposes and therefore uses different structures to deliver the author’s message. […]

Encouragement is the Best Medicine

Encouragement is the Best Medicine Encouragement is the best medicine. It can drive children through problems and onto the pathway to success. Think of any situation in your personal life and know how encouragement pushed you to crawl your way out of the pit. I can remember vividly a young boy who suffered from anxiety, depression […]

Have You Fed Your Brain Today? Improve Brain Functioning.

          Have You Fed Your Brain Today?  Improve Brain Functioning I have been fascinated with the brain for years, but it is only over the last few years that I’ve had time to research and learn practical ideas to help children when teaching reading, writing and spelling. Feeding your brain is bigger than Mount Kosciusko. […]

Activities over the Holidays to Improve Reading

 A night experience of a beach town. As parents we MUST continue reading activities over the holidays to improve reading. This is the time when you will be able to do just that little bit extra that will make the difference. I have three simple activities that you can do that won’t cost a thing BUT […]

Anxiety in Children

                           Anxiety in children is a global problem in today’s world.  In Australia one in every four women and one in eight men suffer from this condition.  In 2008 The Australian Bureau of statistics noted out of the 2.5 million Australians aged 16–24 years, more than a quarter (26%) had a 12 month mental disorder, […]

How Poor Reading and Writing Impacts on Self-Esteem

How poor reading and writing impacts on self-esteem is rarely spoken about. We continuously discuss poor results and underestimate what happens to the student emotionally and socially. These areas are vital to the student’s future.  What is self-esteem? Self -esteem is how we feel about ourselves or the worth or the value we place on […]

The Insider’s Guide to Improving Attention

  Attention is a BIG problem in today’s classrooms when teaching kids to read, write and spell. http://www.letterboxlearntoread.com/teaching-kids-read-spell-write-ready-naplan-testing Inattention shows up in children for many different reasons and is a complex problem. BUT there are ways to support these children. The Insider’s Guide to Improving Attention offers ways to support children bit by bit to […]

Teaching Kids to Write| Writing with Kids

                                  Teaching kids to write and writing with kids is one of the most enjoyable lessons throughout the school day. BUT unfortunately, there are people who aren’t as passionate about writing as I am. In this article we will look at one trait of writing, Ideas. Teaching kids to write and writing with kids begins with great […]

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