Improve Reading Results with Holiday Experiences

                                                                                 INTRODUCTION Improve reading results with holiday experiences that are enjoyable and take no  extra time at all. Over the holidays I am spending quality time with my grandchildren at the Sunshine Coast. My grand daughters are at the age when you can thoroughly enjoy the experience. Our first outing was to a restaurant at […]

Cross the Threshold and Eliminate Problems

                                 STRUGGLES Cross the threshold and eliminate the problems that come with raising children. At times we all struggle with problems and feel that there is no where to turn. Perhaps you think that things are so bad that no one would believe, or understand. Things have happened in my life  when I have felt  alone and  […]

Reading Problems Turned Around

                 Accurate Assessment Reading problems can be turned around given time and the right support. Recently, I tested a student who was substituting words in a reading passage. Probably, these errors were overlooked because the teacher was more concerned with children who were reading well below the age level. But when I looked beyond […]

Reading with Boys Needs Short, Focused Lessons

          READING WITH BOYS  Short Focused Sessions  Reading with boys needs short, focused lessons to help them engage. Boys reading is a hot topic namely, because there are more boys in reading intervention than girls. Boys generally, take longer to mature than girls.They would rather be out playing, riding bikes and kicking footballs . However, once engaged, boys can move along […]

Improve Reading Skills

                                             Reading is a complex task that needs to be broken down into its individual components for students to learn effectively. To improve reading and the underlying reading skills is to bring joy to the face and heart of a child. But, in order to improve reading skills, explicit teaching, consistency and practice must  be addressed. […]

Spelling Through the Roof with Explicit Teaching

                         Today, I spent time testing students in our tutoring programs. I was overjoyed by the progress that all the children had made, BUT, I was especially, impressed with one little girl who had achieved great results in all Spelling related areas. Her spelling had gone through the roof!!! She has other problems that […]

Letter and Sound Strategies Improve Spelling

                                                                                                            Spelling is based on a letter and sound system that needs constant focus to develop automatic recall. Having quick letter and sound knowledge frees the brain to work on spelling. Early spellers  use letter and picture charts until they remember the letters and sounds without a prompt. strategy is also useful […]

Spelling Fast Tracked to Success

                                                                       Spelling can be fast tracked by building a solid foundation. This process can be likened to building a house. Builders make certain that the base of the structure is solid, this is checked by councils and engineers so that the building stands firm through all seasons. A similar process applies to spelling.Checking children’s  basic spelling skills  makes certain […]

Improve Spelling Grades

          Spelling success and sounding skills are first cousins!!!!  . Sounding must be the first step before spelling can improve. It is a skill that needs to be taught explicitly, daily and with enthusiasm. Children’s ears need to be tuned into the sounds in words. Write what you hear Over many years I have decided that […]

Spelling Problems Solved

                                                                        KEEP AN EXPERT AT THE HELM Low levels in reading and spelling are worrisome for parents and teachers. We all know that students are learning spelling each week, scoring a few points on the Friday’s test and then forgetting the words over the following week. This is a common problem. Parents and some teachers continue to go […]

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