Sounding for Beginning Readers

Sounding for beginning readers must never be underestimated. We are talking about the sounding skills that children learn to tune their ears before they begin the formal learning of PHONICS. This skill, called Phonological Awareness, is the GREATEST predictor of reading and spelling success. Research has been telling us this for years but still some […]

Concepts of Print for Early Readers

     Reading Four Once children are interested in reading, and as a parent you are continuing to read to them on a nightly basis,  begin to teach the Concepts of Print which we began in the previous session, Reading Three. Concepts of Print are technical skills about print that are directly related to how reading works. In previous articles we explored […]

*Improve Picture Understanding and See Better Results

  Reading Blogg 3 The beginnings of teaching your child to read starts with a solid foundation in language. This means that the child must develop language to express himself effectively and develop understanding of what is being said or read to him. One way of developing these skills is to expose your child to experiences that […]

Prepare Your Child to be Successful Before he Begins School

Did you know that you can prepare your child to be successful before he begins school? Oral language is so important to learning to read. Children need to be able to bring to their reading life’s experiences as well as knowledge that they have learnt from talking or listening to books, videos or conversations. Take […]

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