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Phonological Awareness to Phonics-Get it Right

                                                                                 KEEP DRIVING READING UPWARDS Recently, I wrote an article about interpreting pictures as a preparation for learning to read. I emphasized in this article the link between the words and the picture. The words tell about the picture and the picture tells about the words.  I want to show the same relationship […]

How to Improve Results in Reading and Spelling

       GET YOUR TENTACLES INTO SUPPORTING CHILDREN IN LEARNING TO READ AND WRITE  We are always looking for ways to improve results. There are some basic principles that will improve results in any area. As an example, I am going to use a small remediation group of aged nine and ten children that I […]

Phonics for Reading

                                                                   For years I have been concerned about the overuse of eye memory (visual memory) as opposed to ear memory (auditory memory). This does not mean that I don’t believe that visual memory is important, it is, BUT the fact of the matter is that visual memory begins to collapse if it is […]

Preparing for Phonological Awareness with Attention Activities

                                                                       Stand up and pay attention   Last week we discussed the greatest predictor of reading and spelling success, Phonological Awarenesss.To make certain that Phonological Awareness is successful, the child must be able to maintain attention. So, for today’s content I will look at activities that can be used for this purpose. Alertness is […]

Concepts of Print for Early Readers

     Reading Four Once children are interested in reading, and as a parent you are continuing to read to them on a nightly basis,  begin to teach the Concepts of Print which we began in the previous session, Reading Three. Concepts of Print are technical skills about print that are directly related to how reading works. In previous articles we explored […]

*Improve Picture Understanding and See Better Results

  Reading Blogg 3 The beginnings of teaching your child to read starts with a solid foundation in language. This means that the child must develop language to express himself effectively and develop understanding of what is being said or read to him. One way of developing these skills is to expose your child to experiences that […]

Prepare Your Child to be Successful Before he Begins School

Did you know that you can prepare your child to be successful before he begins school? Oral language is so important to learning to read. Children need to be able to bring to their reading life’s experiences as well as knowledge that they have learnt from talking or listening to books, videos or conversations. Take […]

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